
Guide to setup SensusAccess LTI with Sakai

  1. Register an account with SensusAccess LTI. Register. Once registered with SensusAccess LTI, one can receive an email confirmation mail with an approval link. Once clicked on the link and successful confirmation message, one can log in into the SensusAccess LTI portal. Remember to check spam email, if you do not see the confirmation email in the inbox.

  2. Contact Sensus in order to get your LTI access credentials. In order to process your request please make sure to specify in your email/call/letter the following:

    • A mention that you are requesting a SensusAccess LTI account
    • Organization name (School/University)
    • Full name of contact the person responsible for the SensusAccess LTI account
    • The desired email address associated with the SensusAccess LTI account
    • Name of the LMS Type (Sakai), you are requesting for

  3. Sakai OAuth tool configuration

    You can skip the Sakai OAuth tool configuration section if the tool is already configured in the instance. If so, you can move to the next section Sakai OAuth consumers configuration.

    In order to enable OAuth flow, you must have administrator login and need to follow the following steps:

  4. Login Sakai instance with administrator credentials and go to the Administration Workspace.

    Screenshot showing Sakai Administration Workspace.
  5. On the left panel, click on Sites menu and click on Edit site icon on the Site Id !admin.

  6. Click on Add/Edit pages at the bottom of the page.

  7. Click on New Page and add Title of the page.

  8. Click on Tools in Continue Editing section at the bottom of the page.

    Screenshot showing Sakai Tools Continue Editing.
  9. You have to add a new tool in the page by clicking on New Tool at the top of the page.

  10. Then you have to select oAuth Admin(sakai.oauth.admin) in the features dropdown.

    Screenshot showing Sakai OAuth Admin.
  11. Like !admin, you have to edit the !user template by clicking on Edit site icon. If it is difficult to find the template !user in the listing, you could use search filter in the page by just typing !user in the search box.

  12. You have to scroll down the page and click on Add/Edit pages.

  13. Click on New Page at the top of the page.

  14. You have to provide the Title and click on the Tools.

  15. After the new tool button is clicked, you have to select Trusted Applications (oauth.admin) in the features dropdown.

    Screenshot showing Sakai Trusted Applications.
  16. Now it is time to refresh the page by clicking on the refresh icon in the browser on the Administration Workspace and oAuth Admin should appear on the left menu.

    Screenshot showing Sakai oAuth Admin Menu.
  17. Sakai OAuth tool configuration

  18. Click on the oAuth Admin on the left menu

  19. Click on Add a consumer link and fill the form. You have to at least provide the following details while filling the form and the oAuth callback URL should always be

    Consumer’s key: Any text
    Consumer’s name: Any text
    oAuth callback url:
    oAuth secret: Any text

  20. You need to provide some rights for this consumer. Below in the image you can find which rights need to be checked and they are higlighted inside the red circle.

    Screenshot showing Sakai oAuth Admin consumer rights.
  21. You can note down the Consumer's key and oAuth secret because these pieces of information are needed in the SensusAccess LTI portal later. Click on Save button.

  22. Click on Enable record mode in the consumers listing.

  23. Go to your SensusAccess LTI account and then click on the LTI accounts navbar option. There might be more than one LTI accounts listed in "Associated LTI accounts" section, if the account is associated with multiple LMS. Screenshot showing where to click for the associated lti accounts
  24. You have to input Consumer key in Client Id field and oAuth Secret in Client Key that you received in step 19. Screenshot showing where to click to insert Client Id and Client secret

  25. Insert the Consumer key in Client Id field and oAuth Secret in Client Key that you received in step 19 and then click Save. Screenshot showing where to insert Client Id and Client secret

  26. Remaining in the LTI account page, you will see the Consumer Key, Shared Secret and the link for the LTI tool.
    Screenshot showing where to find the consumer key, shared secret and cartrige xml
    Use these in order to link your LMS system to the SensusAccess LTI Tool.

  27. Note: Now, after logging into the SensusAccess LTI portal the Associated LTI account you have just finished setting up will appear in green. Screenshot showing that the associated lti account is set up correctly

Now lets embed the SensusAccess form inside any course within your LTI.

Configure the external tool in a course/project

There are two ways to configure external tools in Sakai. One can follow either For all courses/projects section or For each course/project

For each course/project

Now it is time to configure the external tool to a course. To do so one has to follow the following steps:

  1. Click on Site Info in the left panel and then click on External Tools in the top menu.

  2. Click on Install LTI 1.x Tool link, which is in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Provide the below mentioned fields to configure the LTI tool:

    Tool Title: The name of the tool
    Button Text: The name of the button
    Launch URL: The launch URL when the tool button is clicked and it should be
    Launch Key: It is the Consumer Key provided by Sensus.
    Launch Secret: It is the Consumer Secret provided by Sensus.

    One need to check the Send Email Addresses to External Tool in the Privacy Settings section as the tool delivers the conversion result either in Campus email or Download.

    Custom Parameters: By default, the tool runs as British English (en-GB) and if you want to run as different language, you could set a custom parameter. Custom fields is used to support localization. The tool's default language (if not supplied any value) is en-GB (British English). But one can provide other supported options like language=en-US or language=da-DK.

  4. Click on Save button.

For all courses/projects

There is an alternate way to configure LTI tool globally. To do so follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the Administration workspace.

  2. Click on External Tools in the left panel.

  3. Click on Install LTI 1.x Tool

  4. Fill the form with the below mentioned fields:

    Site Id: Leave Site Id blank
    Tool Title: Give proper tool title for example SensusAccess
    Button Text: Any text
    Launch URL:
    Launch Key: Consumer Key provided by Sensus
    Launch Secret: Shared Secret provided by Sensus

    One need to check the Send Email Addresses to External Tool in the Privacy Settings section as the tool delivers the conversion result either in Campus email or Download.

    Custom Parameters: By default, the tool runs as British English (en-GB) and if you want to run as different language, you could set a custom parameter. Custom fields is used to support localization. The tool's default language (if not supplied any value) is en-GB (British English). But one can provide other supported options like language=en-US or language=da-DK.

  5. Click on Save button

  6. Click on the Tool Links and in the page click on Create Tool Link at the top right side.

  7. In this page, choose the previously configured tool (SensusAccess) from the Select Tool dropdown.

  8. Once the tool is selected in the dropdown, one has to put Site Id. To get the Site Id, one has to go to the Worksite Setup and from the listing click on the project whose Site Id is needed. Now from the left menu, one can click on Site Info.

    Screenshot showing Sakai Site Id. Screenshot showing Sakai Site Id form.
  9. Click on Save button, once Site Id and Add Site Link checkbox checked as shown in the above screenshot.

  10. Now the SensusAccess tool is available to the course whose Site Id is provided.

  11. Now the SensusAccess LTI tool is configured properly and it's time to test the tool. The SensusAccess LTI tool doesn't run with Administrator role, so you hvae to login with the Sakai system with different user role for instance Instructor, Student, Teaching Assistant etc. Administrator user doesn't support OAuth flow in Sakai.

    In the course/project, if the user clicked on the SensusAccess tool, SensusAccess conversion tool will be displayed. For the first time, the tool will ask the user's permission to access the course files and once the user gives the permission, the conversion form will be displayed. The user can revoke the permission anytime from the Trusted Applications menu.

    Screenshot showing Sakai authorization required.

    As Safari browser by default does not allow third party cookies in an iframe. To make the tool runnable in the Safari browser, the user has to uncheck the checkbox Prevent Cross-Site Tracking in Safari browser. See the screenshots below:

    Safari browser settings in Mac
    Prevent Cross-Site Tracking in Mac

    Safari browser settings in iPhone/iPad
    Prevent Cross-Site Tracking in iPhone/iPad

  12. Once done you will be able to add the LTI Tool to any course and the SensusAccess form will appear.

    The form will load automatically when clicking on the embedded link inside any course, as in the Demo. It should also be able to list all files within the course and the conversion results will be available either for direct download or sent to the email address of the logged in user.

    If instead of the SensusAccess form you are presented with the SensusAccess LTI home page. Please check again that all the necessary configurations have been done correctly and that you have added the correct API token/Consumer key/shared secret/Application Id etc. inside your SensusAccess LTI account.

Note: If you experience problems with any of the above steps, please contact us via the contact options on